This weekend I was at the Lee Valley British Open. I was invited to do the demo runs and I was really looking forward to doing it as it would be great experience for me and also there would be team GB, world champions and Olympic champions from all over the world watching. First we did demo runs for the Finals and Semi-finals course and then we had about an hour free water time while they changed the course. Shortly after that we did the demo runs for the heats course and afterwards got a bit more water time. During the day I had also been asked to help out with boat weighing which meant I got to meet loads of athletes. It was great to get to meet people and experience what it’s like to be part of such a big event. On the Sunday I got the chance to do fore runners which meant that at the start of the racing I got to do a timed run without actually competing. This was to check that the timing was working and gate heights were correct etc. I had a great few days training and weekend helping out at Lee Valley and I can’t wait to get back there some time soon.
Here is a video I made of demo runs at the British Open.
Daisy that’s just insane I can’t wait to cheer you on when you get to the Olympics